廖汉鹏 (Liao Han-Peng) 副教授 人才称号:省杰青基金获得者 电子邮件:lhp91@126.com 办公地点:水资源与安全中心206 个人主页: https://hjswdhx.fafu.edu.cn/1b/42/c12133a334658/page.htm |
2016/04 –至今,福建农林大学,资源与环境学院,副教授
2015/07 –2016/04,中科院城市环境研究所,土壤微生物组,博后
2006/09 – 2010/06,云南农业大学 资源与环境科学 学士学位
2010/09 – 2015/07,南京农业大学 植物营养学 硕博连读
1) Hanpeng Liao, Xi Li, Qiue Yang, Yudai Bai, Peng Cui, Chang Wen, Chen Liu, Zhi Chen, Zhen Yu, Stefan Geisen, Ville Friman*, Shungui Zhou*, Yong-Guan Zhu. Herbicide selection promotes antibiotic resistance evolution in soil microbiomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2021.38(6);2337-2350
2) Hanpeng Liao, Yudan Bai, Chen Liu, Chang Wen, Qiue Yang, Zhi Chen, Samiran Banerjee, Shungui Zhou*, Ville-Petri Friman*. Airborne and indigenous microbiomes co-drive the rebound of antibiotic resistome during compost storage. Environmental Microbiology. 2021. 14. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15672
3) Feiyun Xu#, Hanpeng Liao#, Yingjiao Zhang, Minjie Yao, Jianping Liu, Leyun Sun, Xue Zhang, Jinyong Yang, Ke Wang, Xiaoyun Wang, Yexin Ding, Chen Liu, Christopher Rensing, Jianhua Zhang, Kaiwun Yeh & Weifeng Xu*. Coordination of root auxin with the fungus Piriformospora indica and bacterium Bacillus cereus enhances rice rhizosheath formation under soil drying. The ISME Journal. 2022. 16, 801–811(#共一)
4) Hanpeng Liao, Xiaomei Lu, Christopher Rensing, Ville-Petri Friman, Stefan Geisen, Zhi Chen, Zhen Yu, Zhong Wei, Shun-gui Zhou*,Hyperthermophilic composting accelerates the removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements in sewage sludge. Environmental Science & Technology. 2018. 52: 266-276 (ESI高引论文)
5) Peng Cui, Chaofan Ai, Zhongbing Xu, Zhi Chen, ZhenYu, Hanpeng Liao*, Shungui Zhou*. Abundances of keystone genes confer superior performance in hyperthermophilic composting. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021. 328, (15)
6) Xi Li, Chang Wen, Chen Liu, Shiyun Lu, Zhongbing Xu, Qiue Yang, Zhi Chen, Hanpeng Liao*, Shungui Zhou. Herbicide promotes the conjugative transfer of multi-resistance genes by facilitating cellular contact and plasmid transfer. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2021. 115, 363-373
7) Liao Hanpeng, Zhao Qian, Cui Peng, Chen Zhi, Yu Zhen, Geisen Stefan, Friman, Ville-Petri, Zhou Shungui*, Efficient reduction of antibiotic residues and associated resistance genes in tylosin antibiotic fermentation waste using hyperthermophilic composting. Environment International, 2019. 105203
8) Hanpeng Liao, Ville-petri Friman, Stefan Geisen, Qian Zhao, Peng Cui, Xiaomei Lu, Zhi Chen, Zhen Yu, Shungui Zhou*. Horizontal gene transfer and shifts in linked bacterial community composition are associated with maintenance of antibiotic resistance genes during food waste composting. Science of the Total Environment, 2019. 660: 841-850
9) Peng Cui, Yudan Bai, Xi Li, Zhiwei Peng, Donghua Chen, Zhubiao Wu, Peijie Zhang, Zhihan Tan, Kailong Huang, Zhi Chen, Hanpeng Liao*, Shungui Zhou. Enhanced removal of antibiotic resistance genes and mobile genetic elements during sewage sludge composting covered with a semi-permeable membrane. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020. 122738
10) Peng Cui, Zhi Chen, Qian Zhao, Zhen Yu, Zhigang Yi, Hanpeng Liao*, Shungui Zhou. Hyperthermophilic composting significantly decreases N2O emissions by regulating N2O-related functional genes. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 433-441
11) Peng Cui, Hanpeng Liao*, Yudan Bai, Xi Li, Qian Zhao, Zhi Chen, Zhen Yu, Zhigang Yi, Shungui Zhou*. Hyperthermophilic composting reduces nitrogen loss via inhibiting ammonifiers and enhancing nitrogenous humic substance formation. Science of The Total Environment, 2019. 692, 98-106
12) Chen Liu, Chaofan Ai, Hanpeng Liao*, Chang Wen, Tian Gao, Qiue Yang, Shungui Zhou. Distinctive community assembly enhances the adaptation to extreme environments during hyperthermophilic composting. 2022. accepted under press.
13) 廖汉鹏,陈志,余震,卢晓梅,汪涌,周顺桂*.有机固体废物超高温好氧发酵技术及其工程应用[J].福建农林大学学报(自然科学版),2017,46(04):439-444.
14) 李曦;廖汉鹏*;崔鹏;白玉丹;刘晨;文畅;周顺桂. 3种常用除草剂对细菌抗生素耐药性的影响. 环境科学. 2021,42(05)
15) 文畅;刘晨;卢诗韵;许忠兵;艾超凡;廖汉鹏*;周顺桂.一株新的多重耐药福氏志贺菌噬菌体生物学特性及基因组分析.生物技术通报. 2022,38(09)
福建省杰出自然科学基金项目,2022J06016, 除草剂诱导土壤抗生素抗性形成与传播的分子机制,2022/08-2015/12、30万元、在研、主持。
1) 福建省科学科技二等奖(2022,第5完成人)
2) 中国环境技术进步奖一等奖(2022,第15完成人)
3) 福建土壤肥料学会首届优秀青年学者奖 (2021)
4) 福建省优秀自然科学优秀学术论文三等奖 (2020)
5) 福建农林大学校青年五四奖章个人(2020)
6) 福建农林大学资源与环境学院首届教学技能竞赛二等奖(2019)
7) 福建农林大学硕士研究生优秀毕业生指导老师(2018)
8) 福建农林大学金山学者学术新秀称号(2017)
9) 福建农林大学“校杰出青年科研人才”称号 (2018)
10) 中国产学研合作创新成果——一等奖(2016, 排名5)
11) 江苏省优秀博士论文提名(2016)